Friday, December 23, 2022

Sharpen Your Axe!

    Two gentlemen, Bora and Borin, applied for a job with a sawmill owner named Mr. Sao. Mr. Sao only needs one worker, so it is difficult for him to choose the best one to hire because both Bora and Borin are physically fit for the job.

      After thinking for a while, Mr. Sao came up with an idea. He will test the two guys to find out which one is smarter. He then told Bora and Borin to cut down two trees that were the same size. He also advised them, "Each of you must use an ax to cut down a big tree, as you only have three hours to cut it down. If someone lets the tree fall first, he will be accepted to work here.

      After explaining Bora and Borin,  Mr. Sao brought two pretty old axes to Bora and Borin each one. He then checked his watch and told them to start.

      Before I further tell you the full story, I would like to ask you to think of your own way on how to fastly cut down that tree first.

Think and write your answer below:

      Bora immediately tried to cut that big tree. Whereas Borin took the ax, he sat down to sharpen it without rushing to cut like Bora.

      Seeing this, Bora laughed and whispered, "Is he crazy? The tree is very big, and there are only three hours to cut it down, but instead he took the time to sharpen the ax without thinking about cutting. You will be the loser." And then he tried to use a lot of energy to cut further, but the pieces of wood that came out of that big tree seemed too small.

      Borin spent about an hour sharpening his ax until its face turned white and sharp. He then used that sharp ax to cut his responsible tree.

      Talking about Bora, he had already cut down a part of the tree, but his hand was slashed because the ax was not sharp, and he still kept trying to cut because he had not run out of energy yet.

      An hour later, Borin was chopping around his tree, almost collapsing. Bora, on the other hand, is almost exhausted, but his tree is still strong, and he does not know when it will fall. However, they are both working hard because there is about an hour left.

      Fifty minutes later, Borin successfully knocked his tree down. Anyway, Bora’s hands were almost swollen, and he seemed pretty exhausted but still unable to cut a single tree down. At the end, Borin was eventually recruited, while Bora missed out on the opportunity.


Food for Thought

      Some people are not clever, but they think they are smart. Until they meet the test of life, they will feel upset with their results. Sometimes a hard situation can be solved with a little intelligence.

      Borin is a man who comes up with both strength and intelligence; he exactly knows the situation and has a good weapon in hand before he goes out to fight, so the chance of success is high. In real life, before you start doing something, you better have skills and knowledge in that field, which is comparable to Borin's weapon sharpening, so the chances of success are high as well. Depending on energy alone is not enough; you also need intelligence to be able to accomplish great things in life.

      Two people of the same age: one strives pretty hard to acquire knowledge until he becomes more capable, while the other one tries to learn nothing. As a long-term result, the one who trained himself at first became a master, while the other one became just an ordinary guy for his whole life.

Source book: Smart Guy 

Author: Piseth Ngat

Read the entire book at WHY READ APP

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