Tuesday, December 27, 2022


What makes people delay doing something? It would have many reasons, right?

            If it’s because of some urgent cases that happen, it would be okay, but it would be the worst if it’s because of your laziness. Yes, even it’s bad, but many people prefer that.

People love to procrastinate rather than getting things done on time or before the deadline. Among those people, it maybe has you one as well, right?

Honestly, I am too. I almost delayed getting things done because of my laziness. "I sometimes need to rush on the last day of the dateline, or I lie to myself." Yeah, it’s such a bad habit. But not now, I just said about before. I completely changed because I knew exactly about its disadvantages. You know how could I change? I have tried many different tips in order to kill my procrastination, and yes, I found it. And I will share you here.

Wait! I only guarantee it would work if you practice it and you also want to kill your procrastination as me. Here’s the case…

I normally plan to finish a book in two months, but I almost always lie to myself. Two months often become 5 to 6 months. It can be more than a double. It sounds terrible. One day, my brain jumped up with the idea that I needed someone who was in the same field to challenge with me in order to reach our goal and win together. Luckily, one of my friends, who is also a writer, just chatted to me to ask for meeting with each other at a coffee shop. We have discussed many things about our careers and shared with each other some important information. After talking for around 3 hours, I just proposed my idea about challenging each other in order to produce more results. Obviously, he also encountered the same problem as me, so he agreed with that quickly. And then he wanted our two more friends, also the writers, to join with. *Normally, people call us "F4" authors! After discussing with him, he just left a message to those two friends in order to meet up the following day. Yeah, both of them agreed to meet us. In the message, we didn’t mention that; we just asked for a simple meeting.

The following day came, and we met at another coffee shop. At first, we just exchanged greetings and told each other about our recent situation. After the long discussion, my friend and I just told about the idea we agreed in the last meeting to our two friends who didn’t know about that purpose. Yeah, after they all understood, they also quickly agreed with us because they wanted that as well. We also have the same problem: procrastination.

After a while, we finalized that we all needed to pick up a new book to write, and if someone finished it first, he would have gotten 100 dollars as a gift. That $100 award is shared with the other three who failed to publish first. And I also added the suggestion that the person who won the prize needs to cover four of us for the buffet. He may spend $40, and the rest he can keep. It’s the better way to make us happy together. And we can also have time to cheer each other up in order to finish the books soon after. Everyone agreed with the condition.

After the meeting, I don’t know how my friends felt, but I felt pretty hungry for my success. I alerted myself that I needed to win this first prize. You know, every morning I feel really motivated to pick up my pen and notebook to start writing. I forget even the word "tired," so how can laziness lead me? Yeah, it cannot. And you know what that book is? It is the book that you are handling now. This point is the last part that I finish it with. Thus, I’m sure I must be a winner because my other friends have not released their books yet.

The prize is not a big amount, but it shows loyalty and also pushes our commitment to reach the goal quickly, especially to overcome our laziness. If you are able to form a team in the same field to challenge each other, you may see a huge difference in the results. It’ll change for the better. This is also one of my intentional pushers. I’m sure it’s going to work for you as well.

Source book: Smart Guy 

Author: Piseth Ngat

Read the entire book at WHY READ APP

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